Revolutionary Mobi-C® Cervical Disc Replacement Maintains Motion

As adults age, it’s very common that the loss of space between the neck’s cervical vertebrae may begin to wear down – causing cervical disc degeneration. These cervical discs begin to collapse and bulge; they may become herniated, or, even compress nerves within the neck affecting one’s shoulders, arms, hands or legs.

Mobi-C® cervical disc replacement, a minimally invasive artificial disc replacement procedure, was the life changing answer for Larry T., who was diagnosed with a herniated disc. For years, he experienced tingling in his fingers, progressing to a terrible pain – a constant pain that was no longer under control.

Symptoms of degenerative disc disease may include: neck pain or stiffness; headache; pain that travels down into the shoulders or arms; weakness or loss of movement in the shoulders, arms, hands, or legs; or that ‘pins and needles’ numbness in the arms or legs.

“Over the last several years we have made great progress with patients who have spinal disease and herniated discs. We now have a great product come into market, making available a mechanical, artificial disc which allows the spine to maintain its physical motion,” says Richard Venya, M.D., neurosurgeon.

Other MHSI neurosurgeons performing cervical disc replacement using Mobi-C® are:  Richard Fessler, M.D., Fredrick Junn, M.D., and Tejpaul Pannu, M.D.

Mobi-C® Cervical Disc

The moveable disc, Mobi-C®, is designed to maintain healthy disc height and restore the natural segmental motion of the neck. During surgery, the unhealthy disc is removed and the artificial disc is easily implanted into the space – taking the place of one or two damaged cervical discs next to each other, from levels C3-C7.

Mobi-C® cervical disc replacement provides huge benefits to patients suffering from neurological symptoms of degenerative disc disease, and for those who have not responded to non-surgical care. Disc replacement surgery allows more independent neck movements, creates less stress on the remaining vertebrae than the traditional spinal fusion surgery, provides faster patient recovery time, requires less hospital stay, and helps you to return to your normal life of work, family, and fun.

Larry T. shares his story about Mobi-C® minimally invasive disc replacement surgery.

If you know someone who is suffering with cervical degenerative disc disease, share this article.


  • Susan Dabbiero

    September 27, 2018 at 2:24 am

    I am wondering how to get this type of surgery

  • Michigan Head & Spine Institute

    October 23, 2018 at 7:28 pm

    Susan, start with a call to the office to schedule an appointment. (248) 784-3667

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